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This site is a WikiWikiWeb -- a collaborative authoring system that allows multiple people to edit a common set of pages via the World Wide Web.

To edit a page, simply click on the Edit link in the header or footer, and then modify the text in any way you want. Also enter an 'Author' name - a nickname you would like to be known as and optionally a 'Summary' of the edit you are making. Feel free to 'Preview' your edits 'Save' when you are done. Yes, you can even edit pages others have created--that's part of WikiNature?.

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The rules for basic page editing are fairly simple--start each line without spaces and put a blank line between paragraphs. There are more text formatting rules for lists and other specialized text, if you want to do that. You can edit the WikiSandbox page if you want to try things out in a way that won't affect any of the pages on this site.

To create references to other pages, [[double bracket]] words to create a page title. This automatically creates a hyperlink. Make titles for New Subjects?, even if you don't have anything to say about them. Maybe someone will come along and fill out a page for the new link.

After you Save a page, you may need to click Reload to make your browser do a refresh. This will let you see the changes you just made. Click the ? after Links to any new pages to edit them and add text.

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Not sure how best to organize a collection of Wiki pages? Scoobypedia is already organised in to a basic Site Structure. If you want to organise differently the Wiki Structure guide describes the options.

Not sure how to write for wiki? The Good Style? guide describes wiki writing conventions.

More detailed documentation can be found in the Documentation Index

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This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:TipsForEditing, and a talk page: PmWiki:TipsForEditing-Talk.

Page last modified on September 10, 2007, at 08:55 PM
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